Sustainability Documentation

Oregon Door is committed to product transparency and certification. We’ve invested in multiple transparency initiatives and will continue to do so as we continually strive to be the leader in providing sustainable solutions for all opening needs.
Below is a current listing of our most recent green building documentation. Please let us know if you have any questions or desire additional information by contacting our sustainability team here. Also, please let us know if there is a declaration or certification that you’d like to see us participate.
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) in PDF format. Alternatively, access via UL Spot or Sustainable Minds.
Acoustic Core/HPDL Face (epdacoustichpdl) Acoustic Core/Wood Face (epdacousticwood)
Agrifiber Core/HPDL Face (epdagrifiberhpdl) Agrifiber Core/Wood Face (epdagrifiberwood)
Bullet Resistant Core/HPDL Face (epdbullethpdl) Bullet Resistant Core/Wood Face (epdbulletwood)
Fire Rated Mineral Core/HPDL Face (epdfirehpdl) Fire Rated Mineral Core/Wood Face (epdfirewood)
Hollow Core/Wood Face (epdhollowwood)
Lead-Lined Core/HPDL Face (epdleadhpdl) Lead-Lined Core/Wood Face (epdleadwood)
Particleboard Core/HPDL Face (epdpchpdl) Particleboard Core/Wood Face (epdpcwood)
ReCor Core/HPDL Face (epdrecorhpdl) ReCor Core/Wood Face (epdrecorwood)
Stave Lumber Core/HPDL Face (epdstavehpdl) Stave Lumber Core/Wood Face (epdstavewood)
Structural Composite Lumber Core/HPDL Face (epdsclhpdl) Structural Composite Lumber Core/Wood Face (epdsclwood)
GREENGUARD® and GREENGUARD Gold® certification in PDF format. Alternatively, access via UL Spot.
Acoustic Core/HPDL Face (ggacoustichpdl) | Gold (goldacoustichpdl) Acoustic Core/Wood Face (ggacousticwood) | Gold (goldacousticwood)
Agrifiber Core/HPDL Face (ggagrifiberhpdl) | Gold (goldagrifiberhpdl) Agrifiber Core/Wood Face (ggagrifiberwood) | Gold (goldagrifiberwood)
Bullet Resistant Core/HPDL Face (ggbullethpdl) | Gold (goldbullethpdl) Bullet Resistant Core/Wood Face (ggbulletwood) | Gold (goldbulletwood)
Fire Rated Mineral Core/HPDL Face (ggfirehpdl) | Gold (goldfirehpdl) Fire Rated Mineral Core/Wood Face (ggfirewood) | Gold (goldfirewood)
Lead-Lined Core/HPDL Face (ggleadhpdl) | Gold (goldleadhpdl) Lead-Lined Core/Wood Face (ggleadwood) | Gold (goldleadwood)
Particleboard Core/HPDL Face (ggpchpdl) | Gold (goldpchpdl) Particleboard Core/Wood Face (ggpcwood) | Gold (goldpcwood)
Structural Composite Lumber Core/HPDL Face (ggsclhpdl) | Gold (goldsclhpdl) Structural Composite Lumber Core/Wood Face (ggsclwood) | Gold (goldsclwood)
Declare® labels in PDF format. Alternatively, access via International Living Future Institute or Sustainable Minds.
Fire Rated Mineral Core/Wood Face
Structural Composite Lumber Core/Wood Face
Health Product Declarations (HPD) in PDF format. Alternatively, access via HPD Collaborative or Sustainable Minds.
Fire Rated Mineral Core/HPDL Face
Fire Rated Mineral Core/Wood Face
Structural Composite Lumber Core/HPDL Face
Structural Composite Lumber Core/Wood Face
Recycled content claim validations in PDF format. Alternatively, access via UL Spot.
Acoustic Core/HPDL Face (rcacoustichpdl) Acoustic Core/Wood Face (rcacousticwood)
Agrifiber Core/HPDL Face (rcagrifiberhpdl) Agrifiber Core/Wood Face (rcagrifiberwood)
Fire Rated Mineral Core/HPDL Face (rcfirehpdl) Fire Rated Mineral Core/Wood Face (rcfirewood)
Particleboard Core/HPDL Face (rcpchpdl) Particleboard Core/Wood Face (rcpcwood)
Structural Composite Lumber Core/HPDL Face (rcsclhpdl) Structural Composite Lumber Core/Wood Face (rcsclwood)