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Careers at Oregon Door

Open the door.

Open the door to immediate opportunities.

The door we walk through every day at Oregon Door opens to opportunity—a job where you can jump right in and start, where you can learn more skills with time and where we respect your goals in life. It’s a door that opens to friends—coworkers who rely on you and are your team.


Open the door to a job you can be proud of.

Oregon Door is a small company, but the doors we make—they’re a big deal. Fireproof. Bullet-proof. Able to withstand the force of hurricane winds. Custom made. As part of Oregon Door’s team, you will work within a modern and environmentally-responsible manufacturing environment. The doors we produce here, locally, will make their way to major sports stadiums, the country’s largest cities, and buildings across the oceans. It’s something we are very proud of and think you will be, too.


Open the door to possibilities.

When you walk through our door, you immediately become a valuable part of our team—someone we care about. If you choose, you can learn new skills over time. We respect your goals, and we’ll help you meet them.


Open the door to friends.

When you walk through our door, you’ll find friends. Your co-workers will rely on you, and you’ll rely on them. There’s always someone willing to answer a question, always someone willing to help you succeed.


Application Procedures

Please follow the application details outlined in the job announcement for the position you seek. Procedures and requirements for each position may differ slightly.

Application Form >

Oregon Door is an equal opportunity employer.